<% '*** *** *** *** *** ' 发帖页面 '*** *** *** *** *** dim fb set king=new kingcms king.checkplugin king.path'检查插件安装状态 set fb=new feedback select case action case "" king_def case "post" king_post end select set fb=nothing set king=nothing 'write *** Copyright © KingCMS.com All Rights Reserved. *** sub king_def() dim sql,rs,data,dp,i,rn,pid,I1 pid=quest("pid",0):if len(pid)=0 then pid=1 rn=quest("rn",0):if len(rn)=0 then rn=50 sql="fbid,fbtitle,fbcontent,fbname,fbmail,fbtel,fbphone,fbip,fbdate,fbreplyname,fbreplycontent,fbreplydate" king.ol="
" king.ol="发表留言      浏览留言" king.ol="
" set dp=new record dp.create "select "&sql&" from king"&fb.path&" where fbshow=1 order by fbid desc;" king.ol=dp.plist for i=0 to dp.length king.ol="
" king.ol="
" king.ol="
" king.ol="
" king.ol="
" if len(dp.data(5,i))>0 then king.ol="
" end if if len(dp.data(6,i))>0 then king.ol="
" end if king.ol="
" king.ol="
" king.ol="
" king.ol="
[NO."&htmlencode(dp.data(0,i))&"]发表于 "&htmlencode(dp.data(8,i))&"
" king.ol="
"&king.ubbencode(dp.data(2,i)) if len(dp.data(10,i))>0 then king.ol="
" king.ol="
"&htmlencode(dp.data(9,i))&"回复于 "&htmlencode(dp.data(11,i))&"
" king.ol="
" king.ol="
" end if king.ol="
" king.ol="
" king.ol="
" next king.ol=dp.plist set dp=nothing king.ol="
" king.ol="
" king.value "title",encode(fb.lang("common/title")) king.value "inside",encode(king.writeol) king.outhtm fb.template,"",king.invalue end sub 'write *** Copyright © KingCMS.com All Rights Reserved. *** sub king_post() dim sql,data,dataform,i,re,count sql="fbtitle,fbcontent,fbname,fbmail,fbtel,fbphone,fbshow" re=request.servervariables("http_referer") if len(form("re"))>0 then re=form("re"):if len(re)=0 then re="/" if king_dbtype=1 then count=conn.execute("select count(*) from king"&fb.path&" where fbip='"&safe(king.ip)&"' and getdate()-fbdate<0.25;")(0) else count=conn.execute("select count(*) from king"&fb.path&" where fbip='"&safe(king.ip)&"' and now()-fbdate<0.25;")(0) end if king.ol="
" king.ol="发表留言      浏览留言" if cdbl(count)" king.ol="
" king.ol="

" king.ol="" king.ol=king.check("fbtitle|6|"&encode(fb.lang("check/title"))&"|4-50")&"

" king.ol="

" king.ol=king.ubbshow("fbcontent",htmlencode(data(1)),60,10,0) king.ol=king.check("fbcontent|6|"&encode(fb.lang("check/content"))&"|10-1000")&"

" king.ol="

" king.ol="" king.ol=king.check("fbname|6|"&encode(fb.lang("check/name"))&"|2-30")&"

" king.ol="

" king.ol="" king.ol=king.check("fbmail|6|"&encode(fb.lang("check/mail"))&"|6-100;fbmail|4|"&encode(fb.lang("check/mail")))&"

" king.ol="

" king.ol="" king.ol=king.check("fbtel|6|"&encode(fb.lang("check/tel"))&"|0-30")&"

" king.ol="

" king.ol="" king.ol=king.check("fbphone|6|"&encode(fb.lang("check/phone"))&"|0-30")&"

" king.ol="
" king.ol=" " king.ol="" king.ol="
" king.ol="
" king.ol="
" if king.ismethod and king.ischeck then conn.execute "insert into king"&fb.path&" ("&sql&",fbip,fbdate) values ('"&safe(data(0))&"','"&safe(data(1))&"','"&safe(data(2))&"','"&safe(data(3))&"','"&safe(data(4))&"','"&safe(data(5))&"','"&safe(fb.fbshow)&"','"&safe(king.ip)&"','"&safe(tnow)&"');" king.clearol king.ol="
" king.ol="发表留言      浏览留言" king.ol="
" king.ol="
    " king.ol="
  1. "&fb.lang("list/ok")&"
  2. " king.ol="
  3. "&fb.lang("list/home")&"
  4. " king.ol="
  5. "&re&"
  6. " king.ol="
" king.ol="
" end if else king.ol="
" king.ol="
    " king.ol="
  1. "&fb.lang("list/iplock")&"
  2. " king.ol="
  3. "&fb.lang("list/home")&"
  4. " king.ol="
  5. "&re&"
  6. " king.ol="
" king.ol="
" end if king.ol="
" king.value "title",encode(fb.lang("common/title")) king.value "inside",encode(king.writeol) king.outhtm fb.template,"",king.invalue end sub %>